Take control of your digital finances today at Begin your crypto journey with confidence, backed by the unmatched security of Trezor hardware wallets.


Getting Started with Trezor

Welcome to your Trezor experience. This guide will help you set up your new Trezor hardware wallet quickly and safely.

Step 1: Unbox Your Trezor

  • Carefully unbox your Trezor device.

  • Check the package contents: Trezor device, USB cable, recovery seed cards, and user manual.

Step 2: Connect Trezor to Your Computer

  • Using the provided USB cable, connect your Trezor device to your computer.

  • Visit on your web browser.

Step 3: Install Trezor Bridge

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to download and install Trezor Bridge.

  • This software facilitates communication between your Trezor and your computer.

Step 4: Set Up Your Trezor

  • Choose “Create a new wallet” if this is your first time using Trezor.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions carefully to complete the setup.

Step 5: Backup Your Recovery Seed

  • Your device will now generate a unique recovery seed.

  • Write down the recovery seed on the provided seed cards and store them in a safe place.

Step 6: Finalize Your Setup

  • Set a strong PIN to protect your device.

  • Once everything is set up, you can start using your Trezor to secure your cryptocurrencies.

Remember, your Trezor device is the key to your digital wealth. Keep it secure and never share your recovery seed with anyone. For more information, visit the Trezor User Manual. Happy HODLing!

Last updated